


overview L53


leech w.m.  L58 Fig 8.15; T323 Fig 13.31(a & b) – anterior sucker (smaller sucker), posterior sucker (larger sucker), annuli
earthworm c.s.  L56 and 57 Figs 8.11, 8.14; T319; Fig 13.27(b); R68 Fig 68a – typhlosole, intestine, coelom, ventral nerve cord
earthworm setae c.s.  R68 Fig 68b - setae, muscles to setae
earthworm nephridiopore  R68 Fig 68c – nephridiopore
Polychaete parapodia  T288 Fig 13.4(a-c) – setae, parapodia

external anatomy of:

Nereis  T299 Fig 13.4(a); R66 Figs 66a and 66d parapodia
earthworm  L55 Fig 8.7; T319 Fig 13.27(a); R66 Figs 66b and 66c – segments
earthworm cocoons  L55 Figs 8.9 and 8.10

Questions for your lab notebook

Match the annelid class with the organism or characteristic:

Hirudo a. Polychaeta
Lumbricus terrestris b. Oligochaeta

marine worms with paired setae

c. Hirudinea
free-living freshwater or terresterial worms with setae  
septa between coelomic compartments lost  
palolo worms  
some species are scavengers, some are predators, and some are parasites  



Which group of annelids have parapodia? List the functions of parapodia.



Like many molluscs, annelid development involves a ________ larva stage.



What is the order in which food passes through the following structures in the earthworm: crop, intestine, esophogus, gizzard, anus, pharynx, mouth?





What is the difference between protonephridia and metanephridia? What other phylum have we studied with members that had protonephridia?




Why do terrestrial annelids such as earthworms have to maintain a moist skin surface?





Touch the inside of the beaker of leeches. They will detect the oils on your fingerprint, become agitated, and move toward that spot.