Hi everybody, 

My name is Autumn, I am going to be your TA this semester! I am a senior and will be graduating with a BS Biology and a chemistry minor next December. After I graduate, I hope to do an MLS program (medical laboratory science), with a preference to eventually work in a Parasitology/Microbiology department. I took Invertebrate Zoology last spring, so this will be my second semester as a TA with Dr. Church. My favorite part of this class was learning about the protists and the Phylum Platyhelminthes (both of which have a lot of parasites!) I also took Parasitology with Dr. Church last semester.   

I will be attending labs every Thursday with you guys and I will also be having office hours on Sundays @ 8pm and Wednesdays @ 8pm via TEAMS. Before the 3 midterm exams, I will be providing a review on both the Sunday and Wednesday before the exam. For the final exam, we will be doing an in-person review during lab, which will be discussed more in class. The link to my TEAMS is below: 

Invertebrate Zoology Spring 24 TA office hours | General | Microsoft TeamsLinks to an external site. 

Feel free to email me with any questions or if you cannot attend my office hours and would like to schedule a time to meet. My email is agilmor1@msudenver.edu 

~Autumn Gilmore